Another Night Lights in the Books!
August 29 - September 1, 2024
30+ talented designers collaborated to create our second Night Lights in New Lebanon!
The lighting festival brought in over 100 visitors(!) from the town to our event to experience the magic of light.
So many to thank... starting with our key sponsors:
- Boston Light Source
- Equity in Lighting
- Granite City Electric Supply Co., Inc
- lumenpulse
- LumenWerx
- Reflex Lighting
As well as our other generous sponsors who made this possible:
ALW (Architectural Lighting Works)
Apex Lighting + Building Solutions
Deltalight North America
Hartranft Lighting Design
Jennifer Sanborn Loukas - Lighting Playground
New Lebanon Farmers Market
And of course our incredible, creative, hard-working crew:
Sara Schonour
Jess Krometis
Shantel Schonour
Dani Young
Chrisoula Moraitis
Elaine C.
Jennifer Sanborn Loukas
Griselda Pantoja
Sanjana Adavi
Kaci Toms
Armand Damari
Michelle Tessier
Richard D'Avella
Molly Bowman
Terry Jewell
Benjamin Rapkin
Benjamin Wilson
Damon Krometis
Colin Chesla
Nick Maurer
Justin Brown
Mia Jean-Sicard
John Roach
Molly Dwyer
We couldn't have done it without you!